Terminal 4 Expansion - T4 Dock Fender and Stormwater Upgrades, Port of Grays Harbor, WA #2261 - Appendix E - Permit Booklet    

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Page 1 Appendix E - Permit Booklet
Page 2 Appendix E-1 SEPA Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS)
Page 6 Appendix E-2 MARAD NEPA Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Page 14 Appendix E-3 USACE Permit No. NWS-2022-944
Page 56 Appendix E-4 Washington State Department of Ecology Section 404 Water Quality CO Permit. No.22877
Page 101 Appendix E-5 National Marine Fisheries Service - Endangered Species Act Biological Opinion (BiOps)
Page 124 Appendix E-6 USFWS Letter of Concurrence to the NMFS BiOps
Page 132 Appendix E-7 WA Ecology Letter of Coverage - NPDES Construction General Stormwater Permit WAR313778
Page 153 Appendix E-8 Port of Grays Harbor's Terminal 4 Expansion & Redevelopment Project's Contaminated Materials Management Plan
Page 292 Appendix E-9 Port of Grays Harbor's Terminal 4 Expansion & Redevelopment Projects's Environmental Assessment
Page 394 Appendix E-10 Port of Grays Harbor's Terminal 4 Expansion & Redevelopment Project's City of Aberdeen's Shoreline Permit
Page 437 Appendix E-12 NOAA Marine Mammals Protection Act Incidental Harassment Authorization
Page 446 Appendix E-13 WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval Permit No. 2024-6-6+01
Page 453 Appendix E-14 Terminal 4 Expansion & Redevelopment Projects - JARPA Application
Page 526 Appendix E-15 WA Ecology Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Decision
Page 532 Appendix E-16 City of Aberdeen Site Development Permit