Terminal 4 Expansion - T4 Dock Fender and Stormwater Upgrades, Port of Grays Harbor, WA #2261
$9,500,000 to $10,200,000
Low Bid:
Bids Received: 2 | ||
Apparent Low Bid | Quigg Bros, Inc. | $ 9,674,332.47 |
2nd | Rognlin's, Inc. | $ 10,048,563.04 |
View self registered Bidders List
Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc. Subs and Suppliers
Port of Grays Harbor
111 S Wooding Street
PO Box 660
Aberdeen, WA 98520-0141
Fax: 360-533-9505
Contact: Aaron Aschim
Issued by:
Prebid: 12/11 @ 10:00 am at, meet at 111 South Wooding Street, Aberdeen, WA (RSVP to t4-questions@portgrays.org)
The Port of Grays Harbor is soliciting bids for Contract No. 2261 to construct facilities upgrades and infrastructure improvements at its Terminal 4 wharf in Aberdeen, WA. The contract includes replacement of the wharf’s existing timberpile fender system with a modern suspended system to accommodate increased vessel traffic. It also includes construction of a new stormwater collection and treatment system for the wharf. This contract is one component of the Port’s broader Terminal 4 Expansion & Redevelopment Project which also includes work performed by others through separate previously bid contracts.
Work items in this contract include demolition; marine construction; pile driving; metal fabrications; concrete forming, placement and coring; utility installation; pump stations and drainage conveyance; grading; paving; and a construction of a bio-infiltration stormwater treatment system.