Olympic Discovery Trail Anderson Lake Connection, Jefferson County, WA #18019893
Plans Cover Sheet
Proposal (Updated by Addendum #1)
Addendum #1
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Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc. Subs and Suppliers
Jefferson County
1820 Jefferson Street
PO Box 1220
Port Townsend, WA 98368
John Fleming, PE, Project Manager
Issued by:
Prebid: 1/17 @ 9:00 am, starting at the Larry Scott Trailhead parking lot
This Contract provides for construction of approximately 3. 2 miles of a non- motorized trail between Milo Curry Road and Anderson Lake State Park in Jefferson County, near Port Townsend, Washington. Work includes earthwork to create a trail base, HMA surfacing, installation of culverts, drainage system, fencing, signal and illumination, signing, pavement striping, project temporary traffic control, temporary erosion control, wetland mitigation plantings, and other work, all in accordance with the Contract Plans, Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. The trail will generally consist of a 10- feet wide paved ( hot mix asphalt pavement) trail with 2- feet gravel shoulder along both sides. An equestrian trail is included in the work. There are goals of 400 training hours, and 11% of the federally funded grant amount toward employing Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.